Can an image help us experience emotional transformation?

Can an image help us experience emotional transformation?

What do you imagine, what is your first thought, feeling… when I say power of painting? And if I say power of a healing painting? Or simply a healing painting ?

I invite you to choose a painting – Still Life XI… relax… look at the painting and allow yourself to feel. Looking at the painting relaxes you… you are wondering how deep the painting can take you. Can you feel the colors? Can you imagine touching the paint with your fingers? What are the colors like… soft? … warm? …. Can you hear the colors? What are they telling you? You can close your eyes, is the painting different now? Let go, relax. You can continue to relax and feel, or you can simply go back to the painting. You can go into the painting, immerse yourself in the colors, if you want. I want you to completely relax, let go… and wait for the colors to come to you… and establish a dialogue with them. Can you listen to my painting? What is it telling you? Can you sense a certain feeling? Ask the painting what is its purpose, what does it want to give you? Embrace all the pleasant experiences… slowly move away from the painting and take the time to relive the experience again … and be the painting. 

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